Picts from the super cool Hackathon organised by the IoT LAB @Design Group Italia. Guest STAR the Dquid tech team.
In 5 hours we hacked 3 things: 1- A microwave, that -thanks to quid technology- become 100% controlled by iPhone!
2- A Fridge (simulated with a plastic cabinet), that started to be aware of what users placed inside it (NFC tag) -and- passing trough AZURE (Cloud Computing platform) was able to replicate the fridge shelf in any browser. A simple clock/calendar app, was quickly assembled to notificate users about food that is expiring.
3- A Inhaler retroif: Healthcare still in my mind… The team realised in few hours a retrofit that “hug” the inhaler and make possible to double check few but relevant parameters: – inhaler log files, enable compliancy stats – inhaler counter enable alerts related to the remaining drug – a sensor take care that the user actually shake the drug before inhaling.
to reduce the complexity, all info where placed on a smartphone, instead an embedded display.