Augmented Reality: my longest tech jouney
Milan, Italy | San Francisco, CA | 1997-2020
I did my first A.R.-related project when I was an Interaction Design Master Student in '97.
I immediately fall in love with this technology, and I still think the A.R. enablers will shape the future. Two of the most underrated things regarding A.R.? Augmented indoor spaces and privacy concerns linked to the A.R. glasses.
> Enklu contents on Hololens 2
Building Joinpad
About 10y ago, a talented friend started a company called Joinpad. He focused the activity on industrial augmented reality and asked me to help to frame a hardware-agnostic UX/UI .
Bringing Augmented Reality to the factory floor
Remote assistance. Hands-free or with gloves.
UI detail
Sketching tools, online manteinance documentation.
Verdigris @NASA Campus prototyping workshop.
My student's dream
A much younger version of me, presenting our team A.R. project at Apple Computer Campus, in Cupertino. (1997)
A.R. enabling libraries and ancient books. Enhance what you can barely touch. I still convinced A.R. should prioritize macro/micro vision more than any other goals.
Tag's cloud and magical devices: This is where my Internet of Things passion flowered.
In 2008, Apple Computer introduced the iPhone, and everything changed: the world got its magic wand.